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Defense Attorney Siegfried Haag Goes Underground

Attorney General Buback and the state security police are attempting to have me imprisoned on the basis of a series of totally fabricated allegations. During the search of my home and my offices, with the participation of Federal Prosecutor Zeis, who was also armed, state security police seized a large number of files concerning my clients’ defense, notes from discussions regarding the preparation of their defense, as well as correspondence.……… Read the rest

Occupation of the West German Embassy in Stockholm

To the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden: On April24, 1975, at 1:50 pm, we occupied the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Stockholm and took 12 embassy employees prisoner, including Ambassador Dieter Stoecker, Military Attaché Andreas von Mirbach, Economic Advisor Heinz Hillegaart, and Cultural Advisor Anno Elfgen, in order to free 26 political prisoners in the Federal Republic of Germany, namely: Gudrun Ensslin, Stuttgart Andreas Baader, Stuttgart Ulrike Meinhof, Stuttgart Jan Raspe, Stuttgart Carmen Roll, Stuttgart Werner Hoppe, Hamburg Helmut Pohl, Hamburg Wolfgang Beer, Hamburg Eberhard Becker, Hamburg Manfred Grashof, Zweibrücken Klaus Jünschke, Zweibrücken Wolfgang Quante, Bremen Ronald Augustin, Bückeburg Ali Jansen, Berlin Brigitte Mohnhaupt, Berlin Bernhard Braun, Berlin Ingrid Schubert, Berlin Annerose Reiche, Berlin Ilse Stachowiak, Hamburg Irmgard Möller, Hamburg Sigurd Debus, Hamburg Christa Eckes, Hamburg Wolfgang Stahl, Hamburg Margrit Schiller, Lübeck Monika Berberich, Berlin Johannes Weinrich, Karlsruhe 1.……… Read the rest

Letter from the RAF to the RAF Prisoners

To the RAF prisoners: We are asking you to call off your hunger strike now even though the demand for an end to isolation has not been met. This demand has not been met because of the powerful reactionary mobilization and the class offensive from above, the subjective conditions of an underdeveloped class struggle, the corruption of the proletariat’s class organizations, and the weakness of the revolutionary left.……… Read the rest

Interview with Spiegel Magazine

This interview with Baader, Ensslin, Meinhof, and Raspe was published in the January 20, 1975, edition of the liberal news magazine Spiegel, under the title “Wir waren in den Durststreik treten” (We are escalating to a thirst strike). The fact that attorney Klaus Croissant worked as an intermediary between Spiegel and the prisoners to facilitate this interview would be cited as a reason to bar him from representing Andreas Baader at the Stammheim trial later that year—see page 346.……… Read the rest

The Bombing of the Bremen Train Station

raf actions are never directed against the people. Given the choice of target, the bomb that exploded in the Bremen Central Station on Saturday bears the mark of the ongoing security police operation. To intimidate and control the people, they are no longer restricting themselves to the fascist tactic of threats: of bombings, as in Stuttgart in June1972; of rocket attacks against the millions of spectators at the Soccer World Cup in March1974; of poisoning the people’s drinking water in Baden-Württemberg in August1974.[1]……… Read the rest

Holger Meins’ Last Letter

In a July 2008 interview with the Berlin left-wing daily, taz, Manfred Grashof acknowledged that he was the RAF prisoner referred to in this letter. In the interview, he explained that he had decided to break off the hunger strike because he felt that it was the result of a decision taken by a small number of prisoners who had not adequately discussed it with the others.……… Read the rest

The Expulsion of Horst Mahler

At this point, we have nothing more to say about Horst Mahler’s attempt to buy his freedom with denunciations of the raf (Baader liberation trial). The problem with Horst Mahler has always been that he is a filthy, bourgeois chauvinist, who has transferred the ruling class arrogance which he picked up as a lawyer within the imperialist system—an arrogance that he made his own—to the proletarian revolutionary movement, and this well before the raf.……… Read the rest

Third Hunger Strike

If someone understands their situation— how can they be stopped? This is our third hunger strike against special conditions and the extermination strategy being used against political prisoners in the Federal Republic and West Berlin; against the counterinsurgency program of imperialism’s machinery of destruction, the baw, the bka’s Bonn Security Group/State Security Division for the annihilation of revolutionary prisoners and prisoners who have begun to organize and struggle in the prisons.……… Read the rest

On the Liberation of Andreas Baader

The following text was read by Ulrike Meinhof at her trial alongside Hans-Jürgen Bäcker and Horst Mahler. (M. & S.) This trial is a tactical maneuver, a part of the psychological war being waged against us by the bka, the baw, and the justice system: with the goal of obfuscating both the political ramifications of our trials and the baw’s extermination strategy in West Germany; with the goal of using separate convictions to create the appearance of division, by putting only a few of us on display at any one time; with the goal of erasing the political context of all the raf prisoners’ trials from the public consciousness; with the goal of forever eliminating from the people’s consciousness the fact that on the imperialist terrain of West Germany and West Berlin there is a revolutionary urban guerilla movement.[1]……… Read the rest