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“Communique # 2” Regarding the Action Against the Rhein-Main Air Base and the Shooting of Edward Pimental [1]

The purpose of the action was to render a coordinating point of the US military machine – A CENTER FOR CARRYING OUT IMPERIALIST WAR – nonfunctional. That meant to materially act against their commando centre or their military equipment (given that it was not possible, for a variety of reasons, to act against the headquarters) and against those who operate this machinery, as such, against the Air Base and all the soldiers who, whether in the headquarters or elsewhere, “do their job.”……… Read the rest

Interview with Comrades from the RAF

Q. The discussion that we wish to have with you is truly a new experience for all of us. We hope to obtain answers to questions that we and, certainly, others are asking ourselves. The principle points are the political developments during and after the prisoners’ hunger strike and, specifically, the steps taken towards the development of the European front.……… Read the rest

RAF Attack Against Ernst Zimmerman

With the Commando Patsy O’Hara [1], we shot the President of the BDLI (Bundesverband der deutschen luft, raumfahrt-, und ausrustuiigsindustrie)[2] and head of the MTU [3], Ernst Zimmermann. Multinational capital can only avoid a new spiral in the cycle of crisis-reconstruction-crisis, it can only secure the conditions of exploitation, if it plans, prepares and carries out military aggression on all fronts and unites the trilateral bloc – USA, West Europe, Japan — in a common strategy to solve the economic crisis.……… Read the rest