“There Is Much Which Unites Us” (Günter Sonnenberg)

I have been free since May 15. So I’d like to thank all those people who struggled for my freedom for the 15 years and two weeks that I spent in jail. All of the various initiatives and campaigns which led to my release supported me against the State’s plan of destruction during my more than 15 years in prison – and they are also the reason that I’m standing before you today.……… Read the rest

“They Want To Destroy Us” (Interview With RAF Prisoners Lutz Taufer, Karl-Heinz Dellwo, Knut Folkerts)

The following interview is from Konkret (a monthly magazine for left theory, discussion and culture), June 1992. The participants in this talk are: Karl-Heinz Dellwo, Knut Folkerts and Lutz Taufer, captured members of the RAF – prisoners since 1975 (Knut Folkerts since 1977), Rosita Timm, member of the Green Party in Hamburg and involved in the movement to free the political prisoners, Thomas Ebermann, former member of the Green Party, and Hermann L.……… Read the rest

Statement By Irmgard Möller Regarding The RAF Cease-FireTo Those Who Struggle Alongside Us

We’d like to briefly state the following: the decision made by our comrades on the outside is a correct one, one which identifies a political process which we prisoners are also a part of [2]. We have wanted – ever since ’89 – to make a break in the entire political spectrum, and such a step can only be taken by all of us together, not just in the area of prisoners.……… Read the rest

To All Who Are Looking For Ways to Organize and to Push Through a Human Life in Dignity Here and Worldwide On Really Concrete Issues

This is what we are looking for as well. There are thousands of questions on the table that scream for a solution, if these problems are not soon faced and solved they will lead humanity into the catastrophe. They are caused by the capitalistic principle that only profit and power have a value and that people and nature are subservient to it.……… Read the rest

For Us It Was a Question of Learning Explosives and Shooting Techniques (Helmut Pohl Interviewed by the Frankfurter Rundschau)

The following interview with Helmut Pohl was originally published as “RAF bestätigt Ausbildung an Waffen in der DDR; Helmut Pohl dementiert Spionage im Auftrag der Stasi” in the July 7, 1991, Frankfurter Rundschau. On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall had fallen, and soon afterwards the entire GDR was annexed by the FRG.……… Read the rest