To the News Editors of the West German Press

On May 26, Willy Brandt said in his television broadcast that the bombings of recent weeks have no logical political basis, and that they have endangered innocent lives. The Federal Chancellor can deceive the people with these assertions because the West German press has almost completely suppressed the communiqués of the urban guerilla commandos.……… Read the rest

Attack on the Springer Building

Yesterday, Friday May 19, at 3:55 pm, two bombs exploded in the Springer Building in Hamburg. Despite prompt and early warnings, the building wasn’t evacuated and 17 people were injured. At 3:29 pm, the first warning was given to number 3471, who was told to evacuate the building within 15 minutes because a bomb would detonate shortly.……… Read the rest

Attack on Judge Buddenberg

On Monday, May16, 1972, the Manfred Grashof Commando carried out a bomb attack against Judge Buddenberg of the Karlsruhe Federal Supreme Court. Buddenberg is the judge at the Federal Supreme Court responsible for the arrests and investigations in the current political proceedings under §129.……… Read the rest

Attacks in Augsburg and Munich

On Friday, May 12, 1972, the Thomas Weissbecker Commando detonated three bombs at the police headquarters in Augsburg and in the lka office in Munich. On March2, Thomas Weissbecker was murdered in a well-planned surprise attack by a death squad of the Munich Kripo and the Augsburg police; he had absolutely no chance to defend himself.……… Read the rest

The Urban Guerilla Concept

We must draw a clear line between ourselves and the enemy. Mao I hold that it is bad as far as we are concerned if a person, a political party, an army or a school is not attacked by the enemy, for in that case it would definitely mean that we have sunk to the level of the enemy.……… Read the rest